Monday Mornin' Live Leakin (2024)

Monday Mornin' Live Leakin (1)

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Monday Mornin' Live Leakin (2)

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Please do not provide any links to this screamer/shock site since it is illegal to distribute in the vast majority of countries.
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Monday Mornin' Live Leakin or originally used to be called Thursday Night Shotgunnin, was a controversy shock-site video game mod based on the game, "Friday Night Funkin" which is based on the shock site website, "LiveLeak," where the character, "Boyfriend" having a rap battle against the "characters" in every each song in the mod such as Ronnie Mcnu*tt, Shuaiby Aslam, Gleb Korablev, Rorochan_1999, 2023 Nashville School Shooting (Audery Hale), Budd Dwyer and New Zealand Christchurch Mosque Shootings (Brenton Tarrant) where the mod created goes by the most hated person in the Friday Night Funkin' community, "Naxinet". The mod gained negative popularity in early 2022. On September 2023, the first official release came out. People out there either hate it because of its degeneracy, or love it out of being edgy.

The development team of the Monday Mornin' Live Leakin' who made the mod which is Naxinet himself as a creator, "Luma" as a co-director, as well as "Stavratum," "Angelplay3," "Buggles," "Acsman," "Toadr," "Seal" and "Toadstols" as other miscellaneous developers. The concept of the Ronnie Mcnu*tt cover on one of the Mistful Crimson Morning songs (One of the positive mods), Doomsday, was made by SlingMingo better formerly known as "jeffyfansml99" who created SML Movie: Jeffy's Endless Aethos!, where Naxinet takes it and turns it into a real mod.


  • 1 Content
  • 2 Controversies
  • 3 ColdRaven's Nest Investigation
  • 4 Why Naxinet Created MMLL
  • 5 Naxinet Getting Doxxed And Swatted
  • 6 Videos


In the gameplay of the mod, the shock site mod game contains gore, suicide, self harm, sexual content, flashing lights, racial slurs and most importantly contains child p*rnography artwork on Rorochan that is necropedophiliac towards the victim, could be possibly the mod was illegal at some point since the p*rnography artwork based on a 14 year old girl. In the main menu, it shows Boyfriend in the shadow while being hanging in the background with the logo and start button said "Redefining The Media," referencing the LiveLeak logo, in the menu selection, the background was suppose to be the LiveLeak "website" with many p*rnography ads that were censored. The selection of the options has graphic photos such as for "Redefine The Internet" which is known as the freeplay or song selection with Ronnie Mcnu*tt's livestream photos, "Options" which is the photos of Shuaiby Aslam's livestream photos, "Credits" which is Gleb Korablev's livestream photos and "Art Gallery" were basically artworks of Naxinet, with photos of Audery Hale in a school shooting, along in the right side where the photo of the character, Boyfriend's brutal dead corpse. The content of gameplay may be offensive to read through, read through your own risk. There's a few songs that is going to be cover for this wiki page but the other songs that was in the mod will be not talk about due to personal reasons.

In the song, "Treatment," made by Angelplay3 where it features Ronnie Mcnu*tt sitting alone while on a call in his room familiar to the video but the background is added more offensive and the background where it possibly Boyfriend was watching the stream where the chat between Ronnie and Boyfriend, where Boyfriend telling Ronnie to self-harm himself and where they started recording the stream as the started into a rap battle. Nothing happening so far during the song at first but in around 1:20 mark, Ronnie changes into the old design from one of the old version of Treatment but as it keeps goes on, in around 3:38 mark, Ronnie starting to get real frustrated during the song and as for a little longer, in the 3:57 mark, Ronnie starts to say his infamous last words as he leans over and pulls the trigger with the same audio to the video where Ronnie ends himself, along with his Samsung ringtone, "Over The Horizon" as the song and gameplay ends there.However, if you loses against Ronnie, it will play a footage from the real video of Ronnie's livestream of him ending his own life, unlike and feels a bit similar to the hacked Flappy Bird, the game over music of Treatment was based on the ringtone to make it more disturbing.

In the song, "R9K' based on one of the 4chan's threads, made by Acsman, featuring Shuaiby Aslam holding a microphone while seeing and against Boyfriend in his room, once again, the background added more offensive things such as the dild* and a lube added and the poster saying "Child p*rn." As the song starts, Shuaiby pulls out his laptop saying the same lines from the video audio of his suicide livestream, stating "How about now Jordan? Can you hear me now?" and puts it away. After few seconds, Shuaiby once again says the same lines from the audio of the video saying, "Alright, Jordan, are you recording Jordan?" and then the charting begins. For awhile, in around 1:22 mark, Shuaiby starts to sing the lyrics in an AI voice of his, "Argued non-stop, just kept going, I'll show you something-" as he continues his lyrics, Boyfriend starts to hit Shuaiby with his microphone, for few seconds, Shuaiby restarted his lyrics and Boyfriend did it for a few times until Boyfriends starts swears at Shuaiby and even racial slurs towards him. As Boyfriend keeps on going, Shuaiby brings out his Kel-Tec KSG out as he still holding the microphone as Shuaiby tells Boyfriend shuts it up as he starts shooting Boyfriend with his weapon as a bullet arrows mechanic. In the around 2:07 mark, Shuaiby turns his weapon around to him, pulls triggers to end his life with the same audio of himself ending his own life, at the end, Boyfriend shouted out with the high pitched audio of the meme "OH MY GOD" at the end of the song and gameplay with a Discord end call sound effect.

In the song, "Poka," made by Naxinet, it features Gleb Korablev sitting down on the sofa, holding a Saiga semi-automatic shotgun, pointed it to his head, where the song starts as usual, for a while, in the 0:51 mark, Gleb Korablev starting to beatbox along with Boyfriend for a few seconds as they go back to singing. For the 2:12 mark, Gleb says out his last infamous words and starts to pull trigger as he ends his own life as again, has the same audio from his suicide. Which it leads to ending the song and gameplay.However, if the player loses against Gleb, just like Ronnie's, it features a video of Gleb's livestream where it shows Gleb ending his own life.

In the song, "Ruru's Suicide," made by Naxinet, it features Ruru-chan holding a microphone against Boyfriend, as the song plays, the song is based on "Ruru's Suicide Show On A Livestream" by Shinsei Kamattechan but way worse and offensive, in the 0:44 mark, it shows Rorochan wearing a bag on her head and showing the scars in wriest which is didn't happen in real life which is possibly disrespecting her grave even more. In the 1:19 mark, it goes back to Ruru-chan against Boyfriend, In 1:54 mark, it cuts to Rorochan self harming herself by cutting her wriest with a razor blaze, adding blood sounds in the song which is makes it more disrespectful. In 2:30 mark, it cuts to Rorochan where she's about to jump off the building just like the video. In 2:56 mark, Rorochan jumps off as she keeps on singing along with Boyfriend as he joins with her but however at the song, Boyfriends grabs the building as he survives but Rorochan dies at the end, as Boyfriend poses at the end.Not only that, it's artwork for the song is an child p*rnography artwork of her which is possibly illegal, Rorochan was about 14 years old when she died.

In the song, "T█████ Outrage," made by Seal, featuring Audery Hale as her shirt sleeves has a transgender flag with a nazi symbol patch on her against Willaim Kinney, which is one of the victims from the school shooting that replaces Boyfriend in this song, having the bullet arrows mechanic just like Shuaiby's, in this gameplay, Audery says a racial slurs in this song for a few time during the song, at the end of the song, she say a slur again and cuts to her dying including the audio of Rex Engelbert's camera footage taking her down while telling her to stop moving.

In the song, "Justice System," made by Angelplay3, featuring Budd Dwyer, was in a speech stating in first of the song, "And it's right for their immediate attention. It is not as sexy or as exciting as the Iranian Arms Deal, but it is in the long term, and more importantly The American People and the survival of our former government." The songs starts as cuts to Budd Dwyer holding a loaded revolver, in the 1:35 mark, Budd Dwyer stated, "I would also urge you and your media employers to work for the repeal of the death penalty and less attached would be absolutely no doubt. I regret that serval occasions when I was a member of the legislative and I voted for the death penalty." and then in the 2:11 mark, it doesn't show the animation of Budd Dwyer pulling the tigger but it pitches black as the audio of the video plays where Budd Dwyer ends his life.Once again like Ronnie and Gleb, if you loses against Budd Dwyer, it will show the video of Budd Dwyer's suicide where he pulls the trigger inside of his mouth and dies.

In the song, "Sentence," made by Seal, featuring Brenton Tarrant was in a trial, where Boyfriend was a judge but right behind Boyfriend where the flag has a nazi symbol on it, in the 0:10 mark, it shows an audio of Brenton Tarrant saying "Remember lads, subscribe to PewDiePie." from the livestream in the background. Nothing infamous happening in the gameplay but however, in the end of the song, an racial slur can be heard in the background of the song in the end of the song and gameplay.


A YouTuber named Rayez once made a video about Naxinet in December of 2022. In return, Naxinet's fans would begin to harass her. She would respond to this by deleting the video and reuploading it to remove the comments. Naxi would begin to make fun of Rayez in YouTube community posts, saying Rayez was "milking him for views". Around the same time, one of Rayez's online friends would betray her and leak her IP address and phone number. One of Naxi's friends would use this information to hack into Rayez's YouTube account, and used it to post memes and obnoxious community posts. Rayez would become furious and would threaten to leak Naxi's home address, which then led to Naxi swatting her, as well as threatening to leak her boyfriend's IP address. Rayez would create a new YouTube account a few days later. Once Naxinet found out about her new account, he planned on swatting her again for "not learning her lesson", and even encouraged his fans to swat her as well. A while later, a MMLL fan named Jester made a deal with her, that they wouldn't swat her again if she made a racist video towards African Americans and if she sent the team NSFW photos of herself, which she did out of fear. According to her interview with ColdRaven, she was forced to do this for six months, and was swatted at least three times. She was eventually let go after Jester's friends turned on him after they found out.

ColdRaven's Nest Investigation

In December 3rd, 2023, in Youtube, ColdRaven's Nest releases a video of himself discovering bunch of gore animations recreations such as stick figures, GoreBox and etc. In the 7:54 mark, ColdRaven's Nest was planning to end the video right there but all sudden, he spotted one of the gameplay of one of the builds of Monday Mornin' Live Leakin' that has Funkytown on it. This leads to ColdRaven's Nest having no words and then he states this to his audience about it, saying, "Let me be real, I'm just coming on here, just to show you the gore animate channel, just to make couple of jokes and peace the f*ck out. I accidentally, fall to a f*cking rabbit hole and I'm not gonna stop recording, we're going through this rabbit role together."

For a while, he starting investigating every community including the mod, Monday Mornin' Live Leakin', not only that, it also contains fan mods such as Twin Tower mod, Live 4 Internet Night.Com created by Payagurin, the creator of the mod also created the infamous Daisy's Destruction mod as well including animal abuses such as Cat In A Blender, Zippocat, Rabbit Crushing and etc., so he can spread awareness around these mods, which is gets one of the fans of that community including one of people who works one of those mods getting mad and slowly harassing him but ColdRaven's Nest ignores them and just made only one video about the harassing where he handle it well.

In February 17th, 2024, ColdRaven's Nest made a livestream talking about the Rayez allegations and even Naxinet too, he was planning to ask Naxinet so he can interview so he can get his side of his story about it, which Naxinet agreed but he has no patience for it since ColdRaven's Nest was a busy man who had a life and a job.

In June 16th, 2024, where ColdRaven's Nest finds out that Naxinet got doxxed and swatted for the first time, he starts a livestream about it, he reveals that he knows about Naxinet and even the mod the whole entire time and pretended not to know him so Naxinet could easily fallen into his trap.

In July 7th, 2024, he got a interview with Rayez so she talk about her experience about Naxinet and the allegations, after the interview about one hour, he starting get a lot of answers and even people wanting to talk ColdRaven about their experience with Naxinet and even MMLL community as well since it's going to be a lot of ColdRaven to discover about. It may be unknown that the interview of Naxinet will happen or not.

Why Naxinet Created MMLL

Naxinet's Gamejolt account identified him as Malcolm William Moreau. Judging by Discord messages, his life was very complex. He came out as a transgender woman to his family at the age of 12, and they immediately supported him. This made him feel comfortable with his new gender identity since he never truly like felt he was a man, however, all of that changed when he discovered the Friday Night Funkin' Modding Community, who all bullied him for wanting to be a girl, this leads to be him not becoming a girl and leads to him creating the Morning Mornin' Live Leakin' mod build as rage bait. The mod messed him up mentally to the point of obsession. This also resulted in Malcolm harassing his transgender sister, Ben Moreau, which led to family issues. His mother also has an NSFW Twitter account, making him feel uncomfortable. His father sometimes was never there.

Naxinet Getting Doxxed And Swatted

On April 27th, 2024, Malcolm was doxxed by someone who hates him on an anonymous doxxing website. The post revealed his home address and caused Malcolm to panic. His mom and his girlfriend's social media were also identified in the post. In return, he deleted all of his Twitter posts, YouTube accounts, and Discord servers. His mom and his girlfriend also privatized their social media as well.

Within the course of a couple days, online trolls would use his personal information to send over 15 pizzas to his house. A lot of trolls also pointed out how ironic it was on how the FNF song of him getting swatted is now something that actually happened.

In April 30th, 2024, it was revealed that Malcolm was swatted. On the same day, a YouTube user named 'Circuitz' called the police on him and the audio recording ended up surfacing online. Circuitz confirmed on his YouTube account that he was indeed responsible for Malcolm getting swatted. After getting swatted, Malcolm made a rap song out of himself, stating he's no longer working MMLL anymore and leaving a morse code translation message saying "THIS IS THE FINAL MESSAGE OF NAXINET. I HATE YOU ALL, I NEVER LIKED MOST OF YOU. THAT'S ALL FOLKS."

In July 27th, 2024, Malcolm gets swatted again but this time by the user, 'Dash'. This time, it made it into the news including Youtube due to their neighbors being scared and not knowing what was going on. Malcolm attempted suicide by the cops but he failed and survived the swatting. His family is still dealing with the legal problems, as the police department has stated that they can't release the body-cam footage as of right now since the case is still ongoing.




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Monday Mornin' Live Leakin (2024)


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