Welcome to Python Telegram Bot’s documentation! — Python Telegram Bot 11.1.0 documentation (2024)


2018-09-01Released 11.1.0

Fixes and updates for Telegram Passport: (#1198)

  • Fix passport decryption failing at random times
  • Added support for middle names.
  • Added support for translations for documents
  • Add errors for translations for documents
  • Added support for requesting names in the language of the user’s country of residence
  • Replaced the payload parameter with the new parameter nonce
  • Add hash to EncryptedPassportElement

2018-08-29Released 11.0.0

Fully support Bot API version 4.0!(also some bugfixes :))

Telegram Passport (#1174):

  • Add full support for telegram passport.
    • New types: PassportData, PassportFile, EncryptedPassportElement, EncryptedCredentials, PassportElementError, PassportElementErrorDataField, PassportElementErrorFrontSide, PassportElementErrorReverseSide, PassportElementErrorSelfie, PassportElementErrorFile and PassportElementErrorFiles.
    • New bot method: set_passport_data_errors
    • New filter: Filters.passport_data
    • Field passport_data field on Message
    • PassportData can be easily decrypted.
    • PassportFiles are automatically decrypted if originating from decrypted PassportData.
  • See new passportbot.py example for details on how to use, or go to our telegram passport wiki page for more info
  • NOTE: Passport decryption requires new dependency cryptography.

Inputfile rework (#1184):

  • Change how Inputfile is handled internally
  • This allows support for specifying the thumbnails of photos and videos using the thumb= argument in the different send_ methods.
  • Also allows Bot.send_media_group to actually finally send more than one media.
  • Add thumb to Audio, Video and Videonote
  • Add Bot.edit_message_media together with InputMediaAnimation, InputMediaAudio, and inputMediaDocument.

Other Bot API 4.0 changes:

  • Add forusquare_type to Venue, InlineQueryResultVenue, InputVenueMessageContent, and Bot.send_venue. (#1170)
  • Add vCard support by adding vcard field to Contact, InlineQueryResultContact, InputContactMessageContent, and Bot.send_contact. (#1166)
  • Support new message entities: CASHTAG and PHONE_NUMBER. (#1179)
    • Cashtag seems to be things like $USD and $GBP, but it seems telegram doesn’t currently send them to bots.
    • Phone number also seems to have limited support for now
  • Add Bot.send_animation, add width, height, and duration to Animation, and add Filters.animation. (#1172)

Non Bot API 4.0 changes:

  • Minor integer comparison fix (#1147)
  • Fix Filters.regex failing on non-text message (#1158)
  • Fix ProcessLookupError if process finishes before we kill it (#1126)
  • Add t.me links for User, Chat and Message if available and update User.mention_* (#1092)
  • Fix mention_markdown/html on py2 (#1112)

2018-05-02Released 10.1.0

Fixes changing previous behaviour:

  • Add urllib3 fix for socks5h support (#1085)
  • Fix send_sticker() timeout=20 (#1088)


  • Add a caption_entity filter for filtering caption entities (#1068)
  • Inputfile encode filenames (#1086)
  • InputFile: Fix proper naming of file when reading from subprocess.PIPE (#1079)
  • Remove pytest-catchlog from requirements (#1099)
  • Documentation fixes (#1061, #1078, #1081, #1096)

2018-04-17Released 10.0.2

Important fix:

  • Handle utf8 decoding errors (#1076)

New features:

  • Added Filter.regex (#1028)
  • Filters for Category and file types (#1046)
  • Added video note filter (#1067)


  • Fix in telegram.Message (#1042)
  • Make chat_id a positional argument inside shortcut methods of Chat and User classes (#1050)
  • Make Bot.full_name return a unicode object. (#1063)
  • CommandHandler faster check (#1074)
  • Correct documentation of Dispatcher.add_handler (#1071)
  • Various small fixes to documentation.

2018-03-05Released 10.0.1


  • Fix conversationhandler timeout (PR #1032)
  • Add missing docs utils (PR #912)

2018-03-02Released 10.0.0

Non backward compatabile changes and changed defaults

  • JobQueue: Remove deprecated prevent_autostart & put() (PR #1012)
  • Bot, Updater: Remove deprecated network_delay (PR #1012)
  • Remove deprecated Message.new_chat_member (PR #1012)
  • Retry bootstrap phase indefinitely (by default) on network errors (PR #1018)

New Features

  • Support v3.6 API (PR #1006)
  • User.full_name convinience property (PR #949)
  • Add send_phone_number_to_provider and send_email_to_provider arguments to send_invoice (PR #986)
  • Bot: Add shortcut methods reply_{markdown,html} (PR #827)
  • Bot: Add shortcut method reply_media_group (PR #994)
  • Added utils.helpers.effective_message_type (PR #826)
  • Bot.get_file now allows passing a file in addition to file_id (PR #963)
  • Add .get_file() to Audio, Document, PhotoSize, Sticker, Video, VideoNote and Voice (PR #963)
  • Add .send_*() methods to User and Chat (PR #963)
  • Get jobs by name (PR #1011)
  • Add Message caption html/markdown methods (PR #1013)
  • File.download_as_bytearray - new method to get a d/led file as bytearray (PR #1019)
  • File.download(): Now returns a meaningful return value (PR #1019)
  • Added conversation timeout in ConversationHandler (PR #895)


  • Store bot in PreCheckoutQuery (PR #953)
  • Updater: Issue INFO log upon received signal (PR #951)
  • JobQueue: Thread safety fixes (PR #977)
  • WebhookHandler: Fix exception thrown during error handling (PR #985)
  • Explicitly check update.effective_chat in ConversationHandler.check_update (PR #959)
  • Updater: Better handling of timeouts during get_updates (PR #1007)
  • Remove unnecessary to_dict() (PR #834)
  • CommandHandler - ignore strings in entities and “/” followed by whitespace (PR #1020)
  • Documentation & style fixes (PR #942, PR #956, PR #962, PR #980, PR #983)

2017-12-08Released 9.0.0

Breaking changes (possibly)

  • Drop support for python 3.3 (PR #930)

New Features

  • Support Bot API 3.5 (PR #920)


  • Fix race condition in dispatcher start/stop (#887)
  • Log error trace if there is no error handler registered (#694)
  • Update examples with consistent string formatting (#870)
  • Various changes and improvements to the docs.

2017-10-15Released 8.1.1

  • Fix Commandhandler crashing on single character messages (PR #873).

2017-10-14Released 8.1.0

New features- Support Bot API 3.4 (PR #865).

Changes- MessageHandler & RegexHandler now consider channel_updates.- Fix command not recognized if it is directly followed by a newline (PR #869).- Removed Bot._message_wrapper (PR #822).- Unitests are now also running on AppVeyor (Windows VM).- Various unitest improvements.- Documentation fixes.

2017-09-01Released 8.0.0

New features

  • Fully support Bot Api 3.3 (PR #806).
  • DispatcherHandlerStop (see docs).
  • Regression fix for text_html & text_markdown (PR #777).
  • Added effective_attachment to message (PR #766).

Non backward compatible changes

  • Removed Botan support from the library (PR #776).
  • Fully support Bot Api 3.3 (PR #806).
  • Remove de_json() (PR #789).


  • Sane defaults for tcp socket options on linux (PR #754).
  • Add RESTRICTED as constant to ChatMember (PR #761).
  • Add rich comparison to CallbackQuery (PR #764).
  • Fix get_game_high_scores (PR #771).
  • Warn on small con_pool_size during custom initalization of Updater (PR #793).
  • Catch exceptions in error handlerfor errors that happen during polling (PR #810).
  • For testing we switched to pytest (PR #788).
  • Lots of small improvements to our tests and documentation.

2017-07-28Released 7.0.1

  • Fix TypeError exception in RegexHandler (PR #751).
  • Small documentation fix (PR #749).

2017-07-25Released 7.0.0

  • Fully support Bot API 3.2.
  • New filters for handling messages from specific chat/user id (PR #677).
  • Add the possibility to add objects as arguments to send_* methods (PR #742).
  • Fixed download of URLs with UTF-8 chars in path (PR #688).
  • Fixed URL parsing for Message text properties (PR #689).
  • Fixed args dispatching in MessageQueue’s decorator (PR #705).
  • Fixed regression preventing IPv6 only hosts from connnecting to Telegram servers (Issue #720).
  • ConvesationHandler - check if a user exist before using it (PR #699).
  • Removed deprecated telegram.Emoji.
  • Removed deprecated Botan import from utils (Botan is still available through contrib).
  • Removed deprecated ReplyKeyboardHide.
  • Removed deprecated edit_message argument of bot.set_game_score.
  • Internal restructure of files.
  • Improved documentation.
  • Improved unitests.


Released 6.1.0

  • Fully support Bot API 3.0
  • Add more fine-grained filters for status updates
  • Bug fixes and other improvements


Released 6.0.3

  • Faulty PyPI release


Released 6.0.2

  • Avoid confusion with user’s urllib3 by renaming vendored urllib3 to ptb_urllib3


Released 6.0.1

  • Add support for User.language_code
  • Fix Message.text_html and Message.text_markdown for messages with emoji


Released 6.0.0


Released 5.3.1

  • Hotfix release due to bug introduced by urllib3 version 1.21


Released 5.3

  • Implement API changes of November 21st (Bot API 2.3)
  • JobQueue now supports datetime.timedelta in addition to seconds
  • JobQueue now supports running jobs only on certain days
  • New Filters.reply filter
  • Bugfix for Message.edit_reply_markup
  • Other bugfixes


Released 5.2

  • Implement API changes of October 3rd (games update)
  • Add Message.edit_* methods
  • Filters for the MessageHandler can now be combined using bitwise operators (& and |)
  • Add a way to save user- and chat-related data temporarily
  • Other bugfixes and improvements


Released 5.1

  • Drop Python 2.6 support
  • Deprecate telegram.Emoji
  • Use ujson if available
  • Add instance methods to Message, Chat, User, InlineQuery and CallbackQuery
  • RegEx filtering for CallbackQueryHandler and InlineQueryHandler
  • New MessageHandler filters: forwarded and entity
  • Add Message.get_entity to correctly handle UTF-16 codepoints and MessageEntity offsets
  • Fix bug in ConversationHandler when first handler ends the conversation
  • Allow multiple Dispatcher instances
  • Add ChatMigrated Exception
  • Properly split and handle arguments in CommandHandler


Released 5.0


Released 4.3.4

  • Fix proxy support with urllib3 when proxy requires auth


Released 4.3.3

  • Fix proxy support with urllib3


Released 4.3.2

  • Fix: Use timeout parameter in all API methods


Released 4.3.1

  • Update wrong requirement: urllib3>=1.10


Released 4.3

  • Use urllib3.PoolManager for connection re-use
  • Rewrite run_async decorator to re-use threads
  • New requirements: urllib3 and certifi


Released 4.2.1

  • Fix CallbackQuery.to_dict() bug (thanks to @jlmadurga)
  • Fix editMessageText exception when receiving a CallbackQuery


Released 4.2

  • Implement Bot API 2.1
  • Move botan module to telegram.contrib
  • New exception type: BadRequest


Released 4.1.2

  • Fix MessageEntity decoding with Bot API 2.1 changes


Released 4.1.1

  • Fix deprecation warning in Dispatcher


Released 4.1

  • Implement API changes from May 6, 2016
  • Fix bug when start_polling with clean=True
  • Methods now have snake_case equivalent, for example telegram.Bot.send_message is the same as telegram.Bot.sendMessage


Released 4.0.3

  • Add missing attribute location to InlineQuery


Released 4.0.2

  • Bugfixes
  • KeyboardReplyMarkup now accepts str again


Released 4.0.1

  • Implement Bot API 2.0
  • Almost complete recode of Dispatcher
  • Please read the Transition Guide to 4.0
  • Changes from 4.0rc1
    • The syntax of filters for MessageHandler (upper/lower cases)
    • Handler groups are now identified by int only, and ordered
  • Note: v4.0 has been skipped due to a PyPI accident


Released 4.0rc1


Released 3.4

  • Move Updater, Dispatcher and JobQueue to new telegram.ext submodule (thanks to @rahiel)
  • Add disable_notification parameter (thanks to @aidarbiktimirov)
  • Fix bug where commands sent by Telegram Web would not be recognized (thanks to @shelomentsevd)
  • Add option to skip old updates on bot startup
  • Send files from BufferedReader


Released 3.3

  • Inline bots
  • Send any file by URL
  • Specialized exceptions: Unauthorized, InvalidToken, NetworkError and TimedOut
  • Integration for botan.io (thanks to @ollmer)
  • HTML Parsemode (thanks to @jlmadurga)
  • Bugfixes and under-the-hood improvements

Very special thanks to Noam Meltzer (@tsnoam) for all of his work!


Released 3.3b1

  • Implement inline bots (beta)


Released 3.2.0

  • Introducing JobQueue (original author: @franciscod)
  • Streamlining all exceptions to TelegramError (Special thanks to @tsnoam)
  • Proper locking of Updater and Dispatcher start and stop methods
  • Small bugfixes


Released 3.1.2

  • Fix custom path for file downloads
  • Don’t stop the dispatcher thread on uncaught errors in handlers


Released 3.1.1

  • Fix a bug where asynchronous handlers could not have additional arguments
  • Add groups and groupdict as additional arguments for regex-based handlers


Released 3.1.0

  • The chat-field in Message is now of type Chat. (API update Oct 8 2015)
  • Message now contains the optional fields supergroup_chat_created, migrate_to_chat_id, migrate_from_chat_id and channel_chat_created. (API update Nov 2015)


Released 3.0.0

  • Introducing the Updater and Dispatcher classes


Released 2.9.2

  • Error handling on request timeouts has been improved


Released 2.9.1

  • Add parameter network_delay to Bot.getUpdates for slow connections


Released 2.9

  • Emoji class now uses bytes_to_native_str from future 3rd party lib
  • Make user_from optional to work with channels
  • Raise exception if Telegram times out on long-polling

Special thanks to @jh0ker for all hard work


Released 2.8.7

  • Type as optional for GroupChat class


Released 2.8.6

  • Adds type to User and GroupChat classes (pre-release Telegram feature)


Released 2.8.5

  • Handles HTTP Bad Gateway (503) errors on request
  • Fixes regression on Audio and Document for unicode fields


Released 2.8.4

  • getFile and File.download is now fully supported


Released 2.8.3

  • Moved Bot._requestURL to its own class (telegram.utils.request)
  • Much better, such wow, Telegram Objects tests
  • Add consistency for str properties on Telegram Objects
  • Better design to test if chat_id is invalid
  • Add ability to set custom filename on Bot.sendDocument(..,filename='')
  • Fix Sticker as InputFile
  • Send JSON requests over urlencoded post data
  • Markdown support for Bot.sendMessage(..., parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
  • Refactor of TelegramError class (no more handling IOError or URLError)


Released 2.8.2

  • Fix regression on Telegram ReplyMarkup
  • Add certificate to is_inputfile method


Released 2.8.1

  • Fix regression on Telegram objects with thumb properties


Released 2.8

  • TelegramError when chat_id is empty for send* methods
  • setWebhook now supports sending self-signed certificate
  • Huge redesign of existing Telegram classes
  • Added support for PyPy
  • Added docstring for existing classes


Released 2.7.1

  • Fixed JSON serialization for message


Released 2.7

  • Added support for Voice object and sendVoice method
  • Due backward compatibility performer or/and title will be required for sendAudio
  • Fixed JSON serialization when forwarded message


Released 2.6.1

  • Fixed parsing image header issue on < Python 2.7.3


Released 2.6.0

  • Depreciation of require_authentication and clearCredentials methods
  • Giving AUTHORS the proper credits for their contribution for this project
  • Message.date and Message.forward_date are now datetime objects


Released 2.5.3

  • telegram.Bot now supports to be unpickled


Released 2.5.2

  • New changes from Telegram Bot API have been applied
  • telegram.Bot now supports to be pickled
  • Return empty str instead None when message.text is empty


Released 2.5.1

  • Moved from GPLv2 to LGPLv3


Released 2.5

  • Fixes logging calls in API


Released 2.4

  • Fixes Emoji class for Python 3
  • PEP8 improvements


Released 2.3

  • Fixes ForceReply class
  • Remove logging.basicConfig from library


Released 2.2

  • Allows debug=True when initializing telegram.Bot


Released 2.1

  • Fix to_dict for Document and Video


Released 2.0

  • Fixes bugs
  • Improves __str__ over to_json()
  • Creates abstract class TelegramObject


Released 1.9

  • Python 3 officially supported
  • PEP8 improvements


Released 1.8

  • Fixes crash when replying an unicode text message (special thanks to JRoot3D)


Released 1.7

  • Fixes crash when username is not defined on chat (special thanks to JRoot3D)


Released 1.6

  • Improvements for GAE support


Released 1.5

  • Fixes randomly unicode issues when using InputFile


Released 1.4

  • requests lib is no longer required
  • Google App Engine (GAE) is supported


Released 1.3

  • Added support to setWebhook (special thanks to macrojames)


Released 1.2

  • CustomKeyboard classes now available
  • Emojis available
  • PEP8 improvements


Released 1.1

  • PyPi package now available


Released 1.0

  • Initial checkin of python-telegram-bot
Welcome to Python Telegram Bot’s documentation! — Python Telegram Bot 11.1.0 documentation (2024)


How to start Telegram bot in Python? ›

  1. Step #0: A little bit of Telegram Bot API theory.
  2. Step #1: Implement the exchange rates requests.
  3. Step #2: Create a Telegram bot using @BotFather.
  4. Step #3: Configure and initialize the bot.
  5. Step #4: Write the /start command handler.
  6. Step #5: Create the /help command handler.
  7. Step #6: Add the /exchange command handler.

How to install python telegram bot? ›

PTB can be installed with optional dependencies:
  1. pip install python-telegram-bot[passport] installs the cryptography library. ...
  2. pip install python-telegram-bot[ujson] installs the ujson library. ...
  3. pip install python-telegram-bot[socks] installs the PySocks library.

How to scrape everything from Telegram using Python? ›

Now, let's get down to business.
  1. Step 1 – Get your Telegram credentials. ...
  2. Step 2 – Setup proxies. ...
  3. Step 3 – Install Telethon library. ...
  4. Step 4 – Create database file and login. ...
  5. Step 5 – Create a list for results. ...
  6. Step 6 – Select a group to scrape members. ...
  7. Step 7 – Export all the members' details.

How to run Python code in Telegram? ›

Getting Started
  1. Configure the New Channel Updates (Instant) trigger. Connect your Telegram Bot account.
  2. Configure the Run Python Code action. Connect your Python account.
  3. Deploy the workflow.
  4. Send a test event to validate your setup.
  5. Turn on the trigger.

Are Telegram bots safe? ›

While most Telegram bots are safe, there is a risk of compromised account security if you provide sensitive information or interact with malicious bots. Practice good security habits, such as using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication.

How to make money on Telegram? ›

Telegram is a free app. It makes money on donations from wealthy investors and organizations. How to boost money on Telegram? Sell paid posts, sell products and services, join affiliate programs, sell the paid subscriptions or create a network of channels and sell them.

How can I connect my Telegram bot to my account? ›

How can I connect a Telegram bot?
  1. From the left menu, navigate to Settings and switch to Channels tab.
  2. Click to Connect button and select the Telegram (Bot) option.
  3. Enter the Token you copied into Access Token field.
  4. Click to Connect button to connect your Telegram bot.

How do I create my own Telegram bot? ›

Now that this is out of the way let's look at the step-by-step process of creating a Telegram bot.
  1. Step 1: Create an Account with Telegram and Chat with the Botfather. ...
  2. Step 2: Create a Name and Username to Get your Token. ...
  3. Step 3: Connect Your Bot to FlowXO. ...
  4. Step 4: Test Your Bot and Distribute.

Is it possible to scrape a Telegram? ›

Axiom.ai lets you scrape data from virtually any website, including Telegram, without the need for code.

How can I extract all messages from Telegram channel? ›

Exporting all of your Telegram data
  1. Click the three horizontal bars in the upper-left corner to access the sidebar menu.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Advanced in the settings menu.
  4. Scroll down, and at the bottom of the advanced settings, click Export Telegram Data.
  5. You'll see a menu with all your export options.
Apr 14, 2024

How can I keep my Telegram clean? ›

How to clear memory in Telegram
  1. Click the three horizontal bars in the upper left corner and find [Settings]
  2. Find [Data and Storage] in [Settings]
  3. Click [Storage Usage]/[Storage Usage], find [Clear Cache]/[Clear Data] to clear the cache.
Jun 14, 2024

What is a Telegram bot used for? ›

A Telegram chatbot is an application that runs on the Telegram messaging platform. It's set up to interact with users and automate specific tasks or provide information automatically when prompted. Users can interact with these bots by sending commands or messages, and the bots respond accordingly.

How to make a Telegram bot send messages? ›

Getting Started
  1. Connect your Telegram Bot account.
  2. Configure Chat ID.
  3. Optional- Configure Text.
  4. Optional- Select a Parse Mode.
  5. Optional- Configure Disable Notifications.
  6. Optional- Configure Link Preview Options.
  7. Optional- Configure Original Message ID.
  8. Optional- Configure Reply Markup.

How can I run Telegram bot code? ›

Step 1: Set Up a Telegram Bot

Open Telegram and search for the “BotFather” user. 2. Start a chat with the BotFather and use the `/newbot` command to create a new bot. Follow the on-screen instructions, including naming your bot and receiving a unique API token.

How to start a Telegram bot? ›

Now that this is out of the way let's look at the step-by-step process of creating a Telegram bot.
  1. Step 1: Create an Account with Telegram and Chat with the Botfather. ...
  2. Step 2: Create a Name and Username to Get your Token. ...
  3. Step 3: Connect Your Bot to FlowXO. ...
  4. Step 4: Test Your Bot and Distribute.

How to connect a Python bot to Telegram? ›

Create Your Bot: Open Telegram and search for the “BotFather” account. Start a conversation and use the /newbot command to create a new bot. Follow the prompts to set up your bot's name and username. BotFather will then give you a token, which is crucial for accessing the Telegram Bot API.

How do I start a Python bot? ›

Step by step to your own Python Discord bot
  1. Step 1: install discord.py. To create your bot, the Python library discord.py is an essential tool. ...
  2. Step 2: create Python document. ...
  3. Step 3: connect to Discord. ...
  4. Step 4: Verify that the connection was successfully established. ...
  5. Step 5: add functionalities to your bot.
Oct 20, 2023


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.